Third DONES Users Workshop



Venue: Hotel Academia Zagreb, Ul. Ivana Tkalčića 88, 10000, Zagreb Accommodation: Hotel Academia and Hotel Dubrovnik
Wojciech Królas (IFJ PAN Kraków)

The DONES Programme, along with the construction phase of the IFMIF-DONES facility has been officially started in March 2023. To follow-up and consolidate the discussions about the scientific opportunities at DONES presented at the First and Second IFMIF-DONES Users Workshop, we are inviting you to the Third IFMIF-DONES Users Workshop.

The workshop will be held as an in-person event in Zagreb, Croatia on October 1-2, 2024.

The key objective of this Third DONES User´s Workshop is to contribute and consolidate the international DONES Users Community representing all the different scientific and technological areas that could be interested in this facility.

Initially, one of the main roles for the DONES Users Community will be to establish a stable link of communication between the DONES engineering activities and the future users in such a way, that requirements coming from the potential users can be evaluated in terms of technical feasibity, ease of implementation and available budget and factored in during the construction phase of the facility.

Taking this into account, this workshop will focus on the objective to initiate the development of a first preliminary DONES Experimental  Programme based on the review of the needs of the DONES Users Community.

Proposed areas of scientific interest / sessions of the workshop:

  • Material qualification for DEMO and the fusion program – convened by G. Pintsuk and K. Ochiai

  • Tritium breeding technologies validation at DONES – convened by D. Rapisarda and F. Arbeiter

  • Irradiation program proposal – discussion led by M. Rieth

  • Collimated neutron beam facility at DONES – convened by A. Letourneau and S. Becerril

  • Nuclear physics and neutron time-of-flight facility – convened by D. Cano-Ott and A. Maj

  • Life science - medical and biological application of neutrons – convened by J. Praena and A.M. Lallena

  • Industrial and cultural heritage application of neutrons – convened by S. Becerril and F. Martinez Avila

  • Consolidation of DONES users community – discussion led by M. Lewitowicz and A. Gajović

We kindly invite you to send abstracts and contribute to the discussion. The program of the sessions will be composed of a small number of key-note talks to introduce the proposed topics along with a number of contributed presentations selected based on submitted abstracts. 

Deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to 14 July 2024.

Early registration and payment deadline is 31 July 2024.

There will be a participation fee of 170 Euro to cover the cost of the organisation, coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner on 1st of October. Participation of young researchers is encouraged. 

The meeting will be broadcast by VC for remote participants. In special cases remote presentations will be allowed - please contact the organisers for details. 

Please register to the workshop to receive updates of the agenda, video conference links, etc.

We are looking forward to your contributions and participation.

Best regards,

Angel Ibarra, Wojciech Królas


Wojciech Królas (scientific program), Ana Hant (registration)
  • martes, 1 de octubre
    • 8:15 9:00
    • 9:00 10:05
      Opening Ceremony and introductory session
      • 9:00
        Welcome and Introduction 5m

        Dr. Tonči Tadić
        Head of Croatian Fusion Activities
        Coordinator of the DONES.HR Project Team

        Ponente: Tonci Tadic (Institut Ruđer Bošković)
      • 9:05
        Opening Speech 5m

        Dr. David M. Smith
        Director of the Ruđer Bošković Institute

        Ponente: Dr. David M. Smith (RBI)
      • 9:10
        Opening Speech 5m

        Ms. Zrinka Ujević
        Head of the European Commission Representation in Croatia

        Ponente: Sra. Zrinka Ujević
      • 9:15
        Opening Speech 5m

        H.E. Juan González-Barba
        Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Republic of Croatia

        Ponente: H.E. Juan González-Barba (Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Republic of Croatia)
      • 9:20
        DONES programme status 30m
        Ponente: Angel Ibarra (IFMIF-DONES España)
      • 9:50
        DONES Consolidation Phase activities and goals of the workshop 15m
        Ponente: Dr. Ivan Podadera (IFMIF-DONES España)
    • 10:05 11:05
      Material qualification for DEMO and the fusion program
      • 10:10
        Overview on material qualification needs for future fusion facilities 15m
        Ponente: Gerald Pintsuk
      • 10:25
        Irradiation strategies being considered by QST 20m
        Ponente: Kentaro Ochiai (QST)
      • 10:45
        Needs of W and Cu alloy qualification for JA DEMO divertor 20m

        The design for the early stage of JA DEMO divertor will be similar to the ITER divertor design, which means that mono-block type W will be used as plasma facing material with high conductivity Cu alloys being used as heatsink material. There have been several neutron irradiation tests on-going using available fission test reactors but, since transmutation effect like Re and Os productions in W or He effects on Cu alloys and joints is expected to have large impact on both materials, there is a strong demand for neutron irradiation tests with more realistic environment for material integrity evaluation. On the presentation, the needs and plans for fusion neutron irradiation of W and Cu alloys will be presented and resent and future plans for the development including evaluation techniques will be reported.

        Ponente: Dai Hamaguchi (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST))
    • 11:05 11:20
      Coffee break
    • 11:20 13:00
      Material qualification for DEMO and the fusion program
      • 11:20
        Assessment of the possibility of irradiate Tungsten and Cu-alloys in IFMIF-DONES using a realistic specimens configuration 15m

        Tungsten and Cu alloys are candidate armour materials for plasma-facing components, like the first wall and divertor, of ITER and future experimental nucler fusion power plant DEMO. Tungsten is selected for its high fusion temperature, for its unique resistance to ion and charge-exchange particle erosion and CuCrZr alloys for its high thermal conductivity together with good mechanical properties. However, the level of damage, as well as the amount of gas production, expected in the fusion reactors is such that the performance of materials and components under these extreme irradiation conditions is still unknown.

        The scope of the International Fusion Irradiation Facility-DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is to test materials under equivalent nuclear fusion irradiation conditions and doses to be qualified for the future nuclear fusion power plant DEMO.

        This paper shows neutron transport calculations to assess the capability of IFMIF- DONES facility to irradiate copper alloys and tungsten in the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) in similar irradiation conditions to the ones expected in the future nuclear power plant. So far, the calculations of the irradiation condition in the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) were performed considering a dummy model of the rigs inner. The rigs are the containers inside the HFTM where the specimens will be held. However, in this work, the rigs are modelled using a detailed geometrical model of the sample distribution, which generate a more realistic calculation of the irradiation parameter expected in IFMIF-DONES facility.

        Ponente: Irene Álvarez Castro (University of Granada)
      • 11:35
        Small specimen test technique for neutron irradiation study of fusion structural materials 20m

        Small specimen test techniques (SSTTs) are commonly applied to material testing after neutron irradiation tests from the viewpoint of radiation protection and radioactive waste reduction, and without exception will be utilized to testing after 14 MeV fusion neutron irradiation due to very limited volume available in irradiation. This study will overview the types and characteristics of SSTT specimens that have been developed, especially for tensile testing of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels. Particular attention will be paid to factors affecting data quality (shape, machining, quantity, measurement techniques, etc.) and their influence will be summarized.

        Ponente: Takashi Nozawa (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
      • 11:55
        EUROfusion activities towards the development and standardisation of Small Specimen Test Techniques 20m

        Within the EUROfusion Consortium, several initiatives are underway to prepare and support the operation of the Demo-Oriented Neutron Source (DONES). One key initiative is the development and standardization of Small Specimen Test Techniques (SSTT) for sub-size specimen geometries that are not currently covered by existing standards. Building on the activities initiated under the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) "Towards the Standardization of Small Specimen Test Techniques for Fusion Applications," the objective is to identify and propose SSTT methods for assessing tensile, fatigue, creep, and fracture toughness properties. The project involves a comprehensive review of specimen geometries used in previous fusion and fission irradiation programs, followed by theoretical and experimental validation of the minimum allowable sizes for these specimens. The ultimate goal is to establish guidelines and recommendations for incorporating SSTT geometries into international standards. A pilot run, adhering to ASTM guidelines, is underway to standardize SSTT samples for tensile testing. This work aims to provide a robust foundation for the broader adoption of SSTT in the assessment of materials for fusion applications.

        Ponente: Dr. Giacomo Aiello (EUROfusion)
      • 12:15
        DPA Estimation in IFMIF-DONES Irrasdiated Samples via Material Activation Analysis 15m

        IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility and DEMO-Oriented Neutron Source) comprises a deuteron accelerator, a liquid lithium target, and a test cell containing the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) used to irradiate material specimens. Small-scale specimens of various structural materials, including reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steels, are housed within the HFTM. While IFMIF-DONES delivers high radiation doses to material samples within the HFTM, accurately assessing the damage received by each specimen remains challenging. Online detectors like Self-Power Neutron Detectors (SPNDs) have limitations in long-term reliability and spatial-energy resolution. However, offline activation foils, while providing accurate measurements for cumulative neutron fluence, occupy valuable irradiation space if sample-by-sample doses are needed.
        This work aims to develop a method for estimating the damage dose received by a sample by correlating DPA (Displacements Per Atom) with activation inventories. Activation analysis of EUROFER reveals that decay gamma emissions from Mn-54, primarily produced from Fe, dominate in the time range of days to years. Since Mn-54 is produced from threshold reactions with high-energy neutrons, characterization of the damage doses by the gamma intensity of irradiated samples is therefore feasible. The uncertainties of this approach due to the chemical compositions and neutron spectra in different locations of the HFTM will be studied for their impact on the prediction.

        Ponente: Dr. Yuefeng Qiu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
      • 12:30
        Final discussion of the session 15m
    • 13:00 13:30
      Irradiation program proposal
    • 13:30 14:50
    • 14:50 15:30
      Consolidation of DONES users community
      • 14:50
        Present status of DONES users community 10m
        Ponentes: Andreja Gajović (Ruđer Bošković Institute), Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL, France), Wojciech Królas (IFJ PAN Kraków)
      • 15:00
        IFMIF-DONES facility as a technology hub 15m

        The IFMIF-DONES facility is predominantly considered as a scientific facility in the context of its primary purpose of high-flux fast neutron source for neutron irradiation of candidate materials' samples for the future DEMO fusion power plant, as well as in its secondary purpose of utilizing neutron flux and deuteron beam for Complementary Research. The IFMIF-DONES facility should be seen, however, as a world-class technology hub, with significant possibility for technology transfer.
        Namely the construction of the IFMIF-DONES facility does not only imply the realization of hitherto non-existent possibilities in the research of the impact of neutron radiation, rather it should be noted that several specific technologies which need to be developed to facilitate the construction of the IFMIF-DONES facility may be of interest for other applications, resulting in technology transfer and innovations.
        The development of new technologies for the IFMIF-DONES facility includes, among the others, design and operation of:
        - The first of a kind high power ion accelerator, production and operation of RF quadrupole and superconductive high-current linear accelerator with dedicated RF sources and including rad-hard ion beam diagnostics and ion beam handling with minimized aberrations and ion beam halo;
        - The liquid metal (lithium) circulation, including liquid lithium handling, purification, cooling, and rad-hard diagnostics of lithium flow, lithium stream's surface smoothness, ion beam – lithium interaction and evaporation from irradiated lithium stream;
        - The dedicated remote handling subsystem, including the development of dynamic models as a basis for the control systems of high-precision cranes with large load capacities and ranges, with rad-hard sensor systems and motor units that will enable precise positioning of cranes and other remote handling equipment.

        Ponente: Matija Hoić (University of Zagreb)
      • 15:15
        Form for Expression of Interest for the Future Users of IFMIF-DONES Facility 15m

        The IFMIF-DONES facility in Granada is ESFRI single-site facility. The main objective of the DONES Programme is to develop a database of fusion-like neutron irradiation effects in the materials required for the construction of fusion power reactors, and for benchmarking of radiation response of materials. But in frame of DONES other experimental areas, including complementary experiments’ work programme, relevant for other scientific and technological areas will be developed. Specifically, it consist of following experimental areas: EP1.1 - Test Cell: experimental program on high-priority fusion-related experiments, EP1.2 - Test Cell: experimental program on other fusion related experiments (e.g. tritium breeding), EP1.3 - Test Cell: non-fusion experimental programs to be housed in the TC, EP2 - Collimated neutron beam facility (split into different instruments), EP3.1 - Neutron Time-of-Flight facility, and EP3.2 - Experiments with 40 MeV deuteron beam.
        To broaden the user community for exploitation of DONES facility, both in fusion and non-fusion experiments, we suggest the on-line questioner for expression of interests which will be spread between researchers of different scientific fields. The query also include short description of each experimental area listed above that will be offered as info to potential users after they chose their field of interest.
        Therefore, after entering their name and institution, the potential user will chose between: fusion experiments, non-fusion experiments or engineering and technology. For users of fusion experiments EP1.1 and EP1.2. will be offered. For non-fusion users, different experiments that include EP 1.3, EP2, EP3.1 and EP 3.2 will be suggested depending on the chosen the field of research. The potential new users can chose their field between: 1. Nuclear and particle physics, 2. Chemistry and material studies, 3. Biology and health applications, 4. Industrial and cultural heritage application of neutrons. The engineering and technology users are predicted to participate in DONES construction and development, but also in the future for component testing. In every drop-down menu is predicted possibility for suggestion of „other“ experiments where short proposal of new experiment could be entered in maximum 500 characters. The questionary finishing with question about background, motivation and previous work of future users, non obligatory question about experimental plan and space for references.
        After presenting our form for expression of interest, discussion with DONES user community, correcting and modifying on-line query accordingly, the intention is to spread questionary among scientist in all the countries included in DONES program. The answers collected from the scientists working in different fields will be stored in the database that can be sorted depending of the experimental areas or even new experimental areas could be developed if additional ideas will be proposed.

        Ponente: Andreja Gajović (Ruđer Bošković Institute)
    • 15:30 16:10
      Tritium technologies validation at DONES
      • 15:30
        Update of the HCPB design and its corresponding mockup BLUME in IFMIF-DONES 20m
        Ponente: Guangming Zhou (KIT)
      • 15:50
        Update of the WCLL design and the importance of DONES for the validation - t.b.c. 20m

        Update of the WCLL design and the importance of DONES for the validation
        P. Arenaa,*, A. Del Nevoa, G. Bongiovìb, I. Catanzarob, B. Chelihic, A. Collakud, C. Garnierc, V. Imbrianie, P. Maccaria, F. Morof, R. Mozzillog, S. Nocef, L. Savoldid, S. Sirianoh, A. Tassoneh
        aENEA, Nuclear Department, C.R. Brasimone, 40032 Camugnano (BO), ITALY
        bUniversità degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 6, 90128 Palermo, ITALY
        cCommissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA), 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, FRANCE
        dMATHEP Group, Dipartimento Energia “Galileo Ferraris”, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Turin, ITALY
        eCREATE, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, 80125 Naples, ITALY
        fENEA, Nuclear Department, C.R. Frascati, 00044 Frascati (RM), ITALY
        gCREATE, Engineering Department of Basilicata University, 85100 Campus Macchia Romana (PZ), ITALY
        hDIAEE Department, Sapienza University of Rome, 00186 Rome, ITALY

        *Corresponding author:
        The Water-Cooled Lead-Lithium (WCLL) Breeding Blanket (BB) concept is one of the candidates to be selected as the driver blanket for the EU-DEMO reactor. The architecture delivered at the end of the pre-conceptual design phase was significantly reviewed to overcome some issues and limitations spotted during an external review.
        The present work highlights on the modifications made to the WCLL BB design, such as the adoption of helical-shaped Double-Walled Tubes (DWT), their impact on performances and the suitability of this design to be scaled for testing in both the ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) and IFMIF-DONES.
        To this purpose, due to the new ITER timescale, it would be really interesting to test some WCLL BB mock-ups in the IFMIF-DONES area located behind the High Flux Test Module. This would allow to test and validate different technical solutions in a relevant environment. Indeed, even though the irradiation environment will not envisage the presence of the magnetic field, it should be possible to achieve nuclear and thermal conditions similar to those expected in a fusion reactor.

        Keywords: DEMO, WCLL, breeding blanket

        Ponente: Pietro Arena (ENEA)
    • 16:10 16:30
      Coffee break
    • 16:30 18:00
      Tritium technologies validation at DONES
      • 16:30
        Status of the Japanese program on breeding blankets 20m
        Ponente: Kentaro Ochiai (QST)
      • 16:50
        Neutronics parameterization for the design of a blanket functional materials module to be irradiated inside the DONES Test Cell 20m

        This neutronics computational work aims to provide neutronics arguments underpinning the effective use of neutrons generated in DONES. Neutrons are produced by the deuterium-lithium (d-Li) nuclear reactions caused by the bombardment of accelerated up to 40 MeV deuterons on the liquid lithium target inside the DONES Test Cell (TC). The resulting neutrons have a wide energy spectrum up to 55 MeV peaked at 14 MeV, which are impinged with a total neutron flux of 5e14 n/cm^2/s at the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) to irradiate the enclosed structural materials of the EU DEMO breeding blanket. For neutron multiplication and tritium breeding, the blanket uses functional materials. In this work, the functional materials are arranged at the location of the Medium Flux Test Module (MFTM), exposed by the total neutron flux of 8e13 n/cm^2/s. In the DONES project, the modules used for the irradiation of fusion functional materials are called Other Irradiation Modules (OIMs). This work is devoted to neutronics parameterization for the design of the BLUME - BLanket fUnctional Materials modulE. BLUME serves for testing, validation, and qualification of materials intended for the EU DEMO Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) breeding blanket. The HCPB design is based on the tritium fuel breeder pin concept. The Advanced Ceramic Breeder (ACB) pebbles are used for tritium breeding and titanium beryllide (TiBe12) for neutron multiplication. The ACB pebbles are composed of lithium orthosilicate and 35 mol% lithium meta titanate. The neutronics computations have been performed with the McDeLicious code and FENDL-3.1d neutron cross-sections library. Total (integrated by energy) neutron fluxes, neutron damage (dpa), and nuclear heating density (W/cc) have been analyzed for BLUME's structural and functional materials. Particularly, nuclear heating 3D mesh-tally distributions have been calculated in the following three materials: ACB, titanium beryllide, and Eurofer97. Tritium production has been assessed as 0.34 mg for one-day irradiation inside the one-pin BLUME-1 design as MFTM behind HFTM. The parametrization analysis presented in this work shows the possibility of increasing the total neutron flux at the front of BLUME-1 to 1.6e14 n/cm^2/s at the MFTM location if HFTM is removed from TC. Corresponding neutronics simulations of such HFTM-voiding effect indicated an increase of maximum values of nuclear heating densities at the front of BLUME-1 up to 8 times in TiBe12 and up to 3 times in ACB. The 3D heating density distributions have been used as input data for thermohydraulic and structural analyses with the ANSYS code. The results indicated that nuclear heating leads to the ACB temperature between 408-509 degrees Celsius, suitable for effective tritium extraction.

        Ponente: Dr. Arkady Serikov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
      • 17:10
        Test Blanket Units assessment for Liquid Breeder Blanket Technologies Qualification in IFMIF-DONES [on-line] 20m

        The primary objective of the IFMIF-DONES Project is the testing and validation of fusion materials. The requirements from critical fusion experiments, such as the High Flux Test Modules (HFTM) for structural materials in fusion reactors, have driven the facility's overall design. The HFTM is crucial for qualifying structural materials for the future DEMO nuclear fusion reactor.
        Given the anticipated delays in the deuterium-tritium phase of ITER, the initial results from the Test Breeder Module (TBM) are not expected before 2040. Therefore, it is essential to design experiments that can validate breeder blanket technologies under equivalent irradiation conditions. Within this context, the IFMIF-DONES project has resumed its development program, focusing on experiments to validate these technologies.
        While significant progress was made in previous phases of the IFMIF-DONES project (IFMIF-EVEDA phase) concerning the design of various modules, this work shifts focus to the Test Blanket Unit (TBU) for testing liquid breeder blanket technologies, like WCLL and DCLL DEMO concept. Then, the main objective of TBU will be instrumental in approving liquid breeder blanket (BB) technologies, unlike the Liquid Breeder Validation Module (LBVM), which primarily tests BB materials through physical experiments.
        This work presents neutron transport calculations to re-evaluate the radiation conditions in the medium-flux area of the latest IFMIF-DONES TC to hold the TBU. The TBU is being designed to test the behavior of liquid Breeder Blanket technologies under irradiation conditions equivalent to those in future liquid BB DEMO concepts. The optimal location for the TBU within the TC has been determined to maximize the tritium production rate. Additionally, we explore the radiation effects expected in the future DEMO on various coatings, such as tritium anti-permeation, anti-corrosion, and coatings designed to reduce Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects.

        Ponente: Fernando Mota (Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT)
      • 17:30
        Accelerating Fusion Materials R&D in the Private Sector: Exploring the Potential of IFMIF-DONES for Irradiation of Advanced Blanket Designs 20m

        Kyoto Fusioneering (KF) is advancing the field of fusion materials through internal research and major demonstration projects. With the establishment of integrated testing facilities, UNITY-1 and UNITY-2, KF is developing fusion power thermal and fuel cycle systems. These facilities simulate and evaluate material performance under conditions relevant to a fusion power plant in terms of temperature, magnetic field, and tritium presence. However, they lack the expected fusion neutronic environment achievable at IFMIF-DONES.

        We present a comprehensive mapping of existing fusion testing facilities, identifying the unique capabilities of IFMIF-DONES, reviewing literature on corrosion under irradiation, and defining specific irradiation conditions and experimental requirements. The study investigates the materials development and testing needs of the burgeoning private fusion industry and highlights the range of experiments that must be performed for current prototype fusion power plant concepts to be taken forward. The possibility for IFMIF-DONES to include these advanced tests is discussed. We show how KF will support fusion materials research, demonstrating the broader applicability and versatility of the IFMIF-DONES facility beyond its primary focus on DEMO-related materials.

        As a case study for such an experiment at IFMIF-DONES, an irradiation campaign aligned with KF’s blanket development is presented. Our recent neutronics activities involved modelling the IFMIF-DONES neutron source using OpenMC and PHITS, with benchmarking performed through dual methodologies to ensure reliable results. The proposed irradiation aims to investigate the synergy of corrosion and high-dose neutron irradiation on fusion materials, focusing on KF’s SCYLLA© breeder blanket concept, which utilizes SiCf/SiC composites and lithium lead (LiPb) as coolant and breeding material. Specifically for SCYLLA ©, it is critical to understand the corrosion behaviour of SiCf/SiC composites alongside LiPb breeder under fusion neutron irradiation to be capable of designing a useable blanket for commercial fusion power plants.

        Keywords: SiCf/SiC; lithium-lead; SCYLLA; IFMIF-DONES; UNITY; corrosion; neutron irradiation; fusion material; Neutronics Modelling, OpenMC; PHITS.

        Ponente: Sr. Mario Oliver (Kyoto Fusioneering UK Ltd.)
    • 19:00 20:30
      Conference Dinner, Restaurant Stari Fijaker, Mesnička Street No. 6, Zagreb

      Conference Dinner for workshop participants at the Restaurant Stari Fijaker, Mesnička Street No. 6, Zagreb

  • miércoles, 2 de octubre
    • 9:00 10:30
      Collimated neutron beam facility at DONES
      • 9:00
        Updates on the BLUME and TRTM OIMs impact on the collimated neutrons entering Complementary Experiments Room R160 at DONES 20m

        Neutron energy spectra collimated by the Neutron Beam Tube and Shutter (NBT&S) at the entrance to the Complementary Experiments Room (CER) R160 are presented in this work, with particular investigation of the impact caused to neutron spectra by the materials of the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) and Other Irradiation Modules (OIMs). At KIT we develop two OIMs: BLUME (BLanket fUnctional Materials modulE) and TRTM (Tritium Release Test Module), which could be installed behind HFTM as the Medium Flux Test Modules (MFTMs). The BLUME and TRTM modules are envisaged for testing, validation, and qualification of functional materials for the EU DEMO Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) breeding blanket. This work updates the neutronics analyses presented at the Second DONES Users Workshop [1], now concentrated on the neutronics impact on collimated neutron spectra in CER caused by a series of design parametrizations of BLUME and design updates of the NBT&S system that IPPLM and NCBJ carried out in 2023-2024. One of the important tasks at DONES is to plan the scenario of installation & removal of the Test Modules synchronized with the operation & maintenance of other systems at DONES, such as Target Assembly, Test Cell components, and Accelerator Systems.

        This work demonstrates that planning the neutron experiments inside CER depends on the number and design configuration of the Test Modules installed in the DONES Test Cell. The synergy effect for the DONES neutron irradiation campaign is related to the efficient use of neutrons, supplying neutrons to multiple DONES users, and allowing them to work together. That synergy effect was investigated by assessing the collimated neutron spectra inside the CER formed by neutron interactions with the HFTM and MFTM test modules inside the DONES Test Cell (TC). Depending on the configurations of the TC test modules, various neutron spectra are formed in CER, and corresponding neutron experiments could be chosen. As a result, no neutrons will be wasted. The neutron spectra in CER with full-size HCPB OIMs have been reported in [1]. By installation of the full-size OIM MFTM modules, the energy-integrated neutron flux at the entrance to CER was reduced by 100 times due to the presence of TRTM and by 286 times due to BLUME [1]. Such a strong reduction of the neutron loads at the CER entrance motivated us to find the OIM MFTM configurations with minimal radiation attenuation. The minimization was performed by removing the possibly excessive OIM components such as the Neutron Spectral Shifter (NSS), back-side reflector, tungsten armor, First Wall, and blanket cooling manifold. The least possible OIMs impact was found in the TRTM version without NSS and back-side graphite reflector. Installation of the cut version of TRTM caused total neutron flux reduction by 2.6 times from 2.1e10 n/cm^2/s (entrance to CER without MFTM in TC) to 8.0e9 n/cm^2/s (cut version of TRTM). Even in the minimal configuration of BLUME, the total flux is reduced by 175 times from 2.1e10 to 1.2e8 n/cm^2/s. Therefore, the impact of OIMs on collimated neutrons entering CER is still strong and requires further work.

        [1] A. Serikov et al., “Impact of installation of the Tritium Release Test Module in the IFMIF-DONES Test Cell on the neutron spectra inside the Complementary Experiments Room collimated by Neutron Beam Tube and Shutter”, Second DONES Users Workshop, October 19-20, 2023, Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain,

        Ponente: Dr. Arkady Serikov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
      • 9:20
        Collimated neutron beam facility at DONES [on-line] 20m

        IFMIF-DONES is intended to be a powerful source of fast neutrons and as such it is of interest for various scientific and technology communities. Facility for Complementary Experiments is a part of DONES designed to broaden the scientific potential of the installation. With a dedicated experimental area of almost 300 m2 the facility will provide on-demand access to collimated neutron beam whenever the DONES Test Cell is operating.
        The facility relies on major components: a neutron beam tube (NBT) which leads neutrons from the Test Cell to the room 160, a neutron beam shutter (NBS) which controls the neutron bram and ensures radiological safety for room R160 where the experiments with neutrons will take place.
        At current conceptual it is expected that room 160 could facilitate from one up to 6 scientific setups depending on their size.
        With the Neutron Shutter opened, according to neutronic simulation the room will provide access to collimated fast neutron beam of around 2·1014 m-2s-1 that can be delivered to research setups installed in R160.
        Proposed design of NBS ensures safe for personnel radiological conditions in the R160 even during irradiations in the DONES Test Cell. Additionally proposed design of Neutron Beam Shutter shall also be fail-safe which means that under any failure (e.g. blackout) the NBS shall get its closed position in a highly reliable way.
        Apart from high intensity Collimated neutron beam, the Facility for Complementary Experiments will provide scientific setups with necessary space, and media such as gasses and liquids.
        The facility may be adjusted for potential application of FCE capabilities such as nuclear physics, applications of medical interest, basic physics studies and industrial application of neutrons.
        The presentation will cover current assumptions, goals and ongoing efforts focusing on most imporant aspects of facility design.

        Ponente: Grzegorz Wojtania (NCBJ)
      • 9:40
        Radiation shielding for the Complementary Experiments Hall [on-line] 15m

        Biological dose rates in the Complementary Experiments Hall were calculated. The study includes also the neighbouring rooms that, due to the radiation safety classification, are to be mostly in the so called “green zone”, i.e. the dose rate is to be below 10 μSv/h. The dose rate in the corridor and outside the DONES facility was also computed. Besides, the impact of HVAC was investigated. Because the biological dose rates in the adjacent rooms exceed the limits, an additional shielding was examined in order to decrease the doses in the areas of interest.

        Ponente: Dr. Grzegorz Tracz (IFJ PAN)
      • 9:55
        An accelerator-driven graphite pile for thermal neutrons at IFMIF-DONES [on-line] 15m

        Thermal neutrons are a powerful tool for basic and applied science. Their main applications are radioisotope production, neutron imaging, metrology or activation analysis; but they can also be used to induce nuclear reactions allowing for research on nuclear structure, among others. At IFMIF-DONES the neutrons will be produced with a fast spectrum, but this can be duly moderated to provide both a thermal field
        and a thermal beam. To achieve such moderation aiming to maximize both flux and purity, we have studied the possibility of embedding a graphite pile in the wall separating the MFTM and Room 160. We will present the preliminary design of such device and the corresponding Monte Carlo simulations, providing the order of magnitude of the fluxes and purities that can be achieved and discussing the results in the context of currently existing thermal neutron facilities.

        Ponente: Carlos Guerrero (Universidad de Sevilla / Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA))
      • 10:10
        Sequential decay reactions induced by neutrons on light nuclei 15m

        Structure of light atomic nuclei is a object of renewed interest - part of it stems from the recent advent of ab initio calculations, but part is also due to the exotic configurations found at high excitation energies and/or in neutron-rich nuclei. Halo states, nuclear molecules and other exotic clustering are just some of the examples of such unusual quantum structures found and studied in the recent decades.

        The clustering in general is known to occur at energies around the particle (cluster) decay thresholds, which are usually well above the neutron decay thresholds. At these energies the experimental data on neutron decay widths is far from complete, and these are essential for systematic understanding of the mentioned phenomena.

        We propose therefore to measure the neutron induced sequential particle decay on number of light nuclei (9Be, 12C, 16O, ...), up to very high excitation energies. Since the neutron beam is not monoenergetic, we propose to detect all the particles coming from the reaction, and by doing that, reconstruct the incoming energy of neutrons. The measurement could be performed with a rather small and portable detector set-up, so that it can be placed at the position where flux of neutrons is optimal for the DAQ we have. The results would complement our measurements performed elsewhere with charged particle beams.

        Ponente: Matko Milin (Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
    • 10:30 10:50
      Coffee break
    • 10:50 12:40
      Nuclear physics and neutron time-of-flight facility
      • 10:50
        Status of the design of the TOF-DONES 20m

        We will present the status of the design of the TOF-DONES facility. This will include the (possuble) location of the beam lines, preliminary design of the collimators, dose calculations, shieldings, etc. We will also present the characteristics of the resulting neutron beams: absolute intensity, energy dependency, time (energy) resolution, spatial profile, etc; which can be used to determine which kind of experiments are suitable to be performed in the facility.

        Ponente: Emilio Mendoza Cembranos (CIEMAT)
      • 11:10
        Status and Needs of Nuclear Data for Fusion Technology 20m

        The availability of suitable and well-qualified computational tools for radiation transport and activation analyses and the incorporated basic nuclear data for fusion technology applications is an essential cornerstone for the development of fusion technology towards the realization of a future viable and environmentally friendly energy source. The nuclear design will be steered by neutronics analyses related to radiation transport simulations and activation calculations for nuclear responses including heating, dose fields, material irradiation damage, gas production, tritium breeding, etc. Neutronics design and optimization analyses need to provide fundamental data for the nuclear design, optimization and performance evaluation comprising safety, licensing, waste management, and decommissioning issues. Nuclear loads and shielding-related requirements could pose severe demands on design and operation of many structures, systems and components in fusion reactors.

        The development of high-quality fusion nuclear data and its experimental validation covers, amongst others, fundamental research in nuclear reaction theory and modelling, nuclear cross section measurements, evaluation of cross section data libraries with associated covariances, data processing and computational benchmarking and integral experimental validation up to the irradiation of instrumented mock-up components. The European perspective on status and future directions in these areas for neutron and charged particle induced nuclear data, the strategy on provision of general purpose and application specific nuclear data libraries and the demands on verification and validation efforts will be presented.

        Ponente: Dieter Leichtle (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
      • 11:30
        The Neutrons For Science facility at GANIL/SPIRAL-2 [on-line] 20m

        Neutrons For Science (NFS) is the operational facility of SPIRAL-2, located at GANIL (France). It provides an intense neutron source in the 1-40 MeV range, produced by the interaction of proton or deuteron beams delivered by the LINEAR accelerator of SPIRAL-2 with lithium or beryllium converters. NFS mainly consists of two experimental areas: the converter room, where the neutrons are produced, and a time-of-flight (TOF) hall with a well collimated pulsed neutron beam. In the converter room, a flux of about $10^{10}$ n/s/cm$^{2}$ is available for activation measurements or component irradiations. A fast pneumatic sample transfer system allows the measurement of nuclei with short half-lives. The long TOF room allows several experiments to be performed simultaneously. The size of the room and the time resolution of the beam allow a precise measurement of the neutron energy. The low background noise allows the use of neutron or gamma detectors. A wide range of physics cases is studied at NFS, from fundamental research to industrial applications. NFS received its first beam in December 2019, and commissioning started with proton beams in autumn 2020. Experiments at the NFS started in October 2021. After a description of the facility, the main characteristics of NFS are presented. Technical and operational difficulties will be discussed and some examples of experiments already performed will be presented.

        Ponente: Xavier Ledoux (GANIL)
      • 11:50
        Plans and developments for fundamental physics at the European Spallation Source 20m

        The European Spallation Source (ESS) under construction in Lund, Sweden, is set to become the brightest cold spallation neutron source in the world. Neutrons are produced by a 2 GeV proton beam hitting a tungsten target and moderated in cold and thermal moderators.

        The scope of the ESS is to build and operate 22 world-leading instruments out of which 15 will be part of initial operations in 2027. For the remaining 7 instruments, a capability gap analysis performed by the ESS came to the conclusion that a particle physics beamline should be given highest priority.

        Several particle physics experiments are currently under development. They include studies of neutron beta decay and hadronic weak interactions, coherent neutrino scattering, neutron EDM measurements and the search of dark matter in the form of mirror matter or axion-like particles. These experiments will be presented and put in the context of the current status of particle physics.

        A focus of the talk will be on the HIBEAM/NNBAR program, a high-sensitivity search for free neutron-antineutron oscillations that violate the baryon number by two units. The goal is to improve the currently most stringent limit, obtained the Institute Laue-Langevin, by three orders of magnitude.

        Ponente: Matthias Holl (European Spallation Source ERIC)
      • 12:10
        Gamma spectroscopy of the nuclei produced in fast-neutron-induced fission reaction 15m

        We propose conducting measurements where fast neutrons will induce fission in both stable and radioactive actinide targets. The reaction products, which reside in exotic regions of the nuclear chart, will be separated using a gas-filled magnet (GFM) spectrometer, while the emitted gamma rays will be recorded using high-purity germanium (HPGe) or lanthanum bromide (LaBr3) detectors. Detailed information about the technique can be found in the “Report on possible complementary experiments to be developed in DONES using deuterons” delivered within the DONES Preparatory Phase project [1].

        A high-intensity neutron beam induced by a pulsed beam of deuterons, if available at the DONES facility, will be crucial for providing high-statistics spectroscopy data on fission fragment nuclei. These neutrons can be produced using a 40-MeV pulsed deuteron beam directed onto a graphite converter. This approach presents attractive possibilities for studying the nuclear structure of many neutron-rich isotopes. Data collected during spontaneous fission experiments with 248Cm and 252Cf sources have significantly expanded our knowledge of nuclear properties on the neutron-rich side of the stability valley. Additionally, experiments studying fission products induced by thermal or cold neutrons, such as those recently conducted at the Institut Laue-Langevin (Grenoble) [e.g., 2, 3], have contributed to the field. However, this method has limitations, as the number of possible targets for fission induced by thermal neutrons is limited to a few odd isotopes. In contrast, fast neutrons provide new opportunities for nuclear structure studies of neutron-rich species. They can induce fission in many actinide nuclei, including radioactive targets like 236U, 232Th etc. Furthermore, the pulsing neutron beam will enable the use of a gas-filled spectrometer for fission fragment identification. A key advantage of such a spectrometer is the short flight time of the fission fragments through the device, approximately 100-200 ns, allowing unprecedented studies of short-lived isomer decays in the focal plane of the spectrometer.

        During the talk, the conceptual design of the experimental setup will be described, showing the possibilities for extensive study of neutron-rich nuclei produced in fast neutron-induced fission reactions. Special attention will be devoted to the feasibility of such measurements and their uniqueness at the DONES facility.


        [1] Ł.W. Iskra, B. Fornal, D. Cano-Ott, E. Mendoza et al., „Report on possible complementary experiments to be developed in DONES using deuterons”
        [2] Ł. W. Iskra et al., Phys. Rev. C 102, 054324 (2020).
        [3] S. Leoni, C. Michelagnoli, and J. N. Wilson Riv. Nuovo Cim. (2022).

        Ponente: Lukasz Iskra
    • 12:40 14:00
    • 14:00 15:00
      Life science - medical and biological application of neutrons
      • 14:00
        Neutron radiobiology: where we are. 20m

        In radiotherapy, one of the basic pillars against cancer, the aim is to max- imize the damage to tumor cells while sparing the normal tissues surrounding the tumor as much as possible from irradiation. A great effort has been made in this direction, with the development of increasingly precise clinical devices producing the radiation beams and irradiating the patients. Nowadays, main treatments are based on megavoltage X-rays devices, though other forms of radiation (protons or heavy ions) are growing in clinical use. In many of them secondary neutrons are produced and a considerable dose deposition on tissues outside the target volume may occur, thus compromising patient health in the long term.

        Apart from these radiological protection effects, neutrons could be also considered from the therapy point of view. In all cases, the absorbed dose is the fundamental magnitude. In principle, it is used to determine the effects produced by ionizing radiation on living tissues. However, there is no a di- rect, one-to-one, relationship between absorbed dose and biological effects. The reason is that such effects depend on many different factors (dose frac- tionation, absorbed dose rate, radiation quality, specific biological systems that are irradiated, etc.) A crucial aspect concerns the end-point considered to quantify the radiation effects. Specifically, cell survival, chromosomal aberrations, molecular damage to DNA, and other have been considered and the common approach has been to try to define general, weighting factors that, together with the absorbed doses, allow the estimation of the biological effects. One of these factors, maybe the most used in radiobiology, is the relative biological effectiveness (RBE), which is defined as the ratio between the dose of a reference radiation and the dose of the radiation under con- sideration, both producing the same biological effect. Consequently, RBE is strongly affected by the end-point considered to measure this biological effect [1].

        In the case of neutrons, the RBE is know to be high, making small neu-
        tron doses to be non negligible at all. But apart from the end-point problem, current uncertainties, still too high, and the strong energy dependence [2], mainly due to the way in which the “non-charged” neutrons interact with matter, impose the necessity of gaining more knowledge on the neutron RBE.

        This situation has produced changes in neutron radiation protection stan- dards over time. The most significant, in what refers to the weighting factors, can be found in ICRP publications [3,4]. Radiation protection standards de- pend on the data adopted for the assessment [5] and thus recommendations in radiation protection require new quality data to reduce the existing dif- ferences between the values adopted by various international organizations. It is therefore necessary to continue the research in this field in order to im- prove our knowledge of the effect of neutrons on living tissues, a knowledge of great importance in radiological protection and, eventually, in the possible therapeutic applications of neutron beams.

        In this work, the state-of-the-art of the neutron radiobiology is updated, summarizing the most relevant achievements in recent years in this research line.

        [1] IAEA, TRS-461. Relative biological effectiveness in ion beam therapy. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, 2008.

        [2] G Baiocco, S Barbieri, G Babini, et al. The origin of neutron biological effectiveness as a function of energy. Sci Rep 2016;6:34033.

        [3] ICRP. Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 60. Ann ICRP 1991;21 (1-3).

        [4] ICRP. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE), quality factor (Q), and radiation weighting factor (wR). ICRP Publication 92. Ann ICRP 2003;33 (4).

        [5] NRC Regulations Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations: 10 CFR. 20.1004, 2014.

        Ponente: Antonio Miguel Lallena Rojo (Universidad de Granada)
      • 14:20
        Deuteron- versus neutron-induced radioisotope production for medicine at IFMIF-DONES 20m

        An important part of medical applications of ionizing radiation are included in Nuclear Medicine. This is based on the use of radioisotopes as radiation sources and allows the both medical diagnosis and treatment of the major diseases with the greatest social impact, such as cancer, cardiovascular problem and brain diseases [1]. The two main challenges for the improvement and development of new therapies are: the search for selective metabolic radiotherapies that maximize the dose in the tumor tissue while minimizing the dose in the peripheral healthy tissues, and the development of new route of radioisotope production base on high-intensity accelerators to ensure a worldwide supply alongside existing nuclear reactors [2].

        The International Fusion Irradiation Facility DEMO Oriented Neutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) could have a useful complementary application for the production of radioisotope for Nuclear Medicine. One of the most interesting radioisotopes is the Molybdenum-99 (99Mo) which disintegrates on Technecium-99m (99mTc). This “daughter nuclei” is used for more than 80% of nuclear imaging studies in the world [3]. A higher production is possible by the route 100Mo(n,2n)99Mo using enriched target placed in the optimal location at IFMIF-DONES, just behind the HFTM [4]. This route is not possible to reach in nuclear fission reactors.

        In this work, we will focus on the deuteron-induced production of an emerging radioisotope: 177Lu is considered a novel radioisotope for therapeutic uses in medicine. Nowadays, 177Lu is produced by neutron capture on 176Lu (carrier added route) or 176Yb (non-carrier added route) in nuclear reactors. Its production with deflected deuterons at 40 MeV and 125 uA opens two new routes, the direct route 176Yb(d,n)177(m+g)Lu and the indirect route 176Yb(d,p)177Yb->177gLu. Here we compared our results of the deuteron- and neutron-induced production at DONES. Also, we will show our experimental work exploring high energy ranges not yet contrasted in the databases for a more accurate production of the deuteron-induced production of 177Lu, as well as, the novel radioisotope 165Er.
        * Corresponding author.

        [1] The top 10 causes of death, World Health Organization, URL:, reviewed Jun 2024.
        [2] El auge de los radioisótopos en Medicina, Revista de seguridad nuclear y protección radiológica, Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, Alpha 56, (2023), URL:, reviewed Jun 2024.
        [3] International Atomic Energy Agency, Non-HEU Production Technologies for Molybdenum-99 and Technetium-99m, Vienna (2013), No. NF-T-5.4
        [4] López-Melero, E. et al., Production of 99Mo at IFMIF-DONES reusing the flux of neutrons, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 38 (2024) 101575.

        Ponente: María Elena López Melero (University of Granada)
      • 14:40
        Technological challenges to supply medical Radioisotopes from IFMIF-DONES with neutrons 20m

        The International Fusion Irradiation Facility-DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) will be an experimental facility providing a high-energy and high-intensity neutron spectrum. Its primary purpose is to test materials under nuclear fusion irradiation conditions to qualify them for the future DEMO nuclear fusion power plant. Material specimens will be housed inside the High Flux Test Module (HFTM), located just behind the neutron source.

        Beyond its primary functionality, IFMIF-DONES holds immense potential for additional socially and economically beneficial applications. One such application is the production of Molybdenum-99 (99Mo), a radioactive isotope critical for the generation of Technetium-99m (99mTc), the most widely used radiopharmaceutical for cancer diagnostics. Implementing this capability would not only address the current global shortages of 99Mo but also enhance the public perception of IFMIF-DONES as a multifaceted facility with significant societal contributions. This positive public image could, in turn, improve the facility's eligibility for state funding and support.

        This work discusses the newly designed device, developed in collaboration with EAI, for producing radioisotopes. The device consists of a duct mechanism that laterally inserts molybdenum plates into the IFMIF-DONES Test Cell. The plates, enriched with 100Mo, are irradiated for six days before being mechanically extracted and replaced with new plates. This cyclical process ensures continuous production of 99Mo through the 100Mo(n,2n)99Mo reaction, which is not achievable in nuclear fission reactors.

        This technological solution provided a reliable alternative for 99Mo production, offering a direct economic benefit through the supply of these radioisotopes. This dual advantage of societal and economic gains underscores the strategic value of incorporating radioisotope production into the IFMIF-DONES facility. However, ongoing efforts are focused on addressing the technological challenges to optimize the balance between safety requirements and maximizing radioisotope production

        Ponente: María Isabel Ortiz Gandía (CIEMAT)
    • 15:00 16:15
      Industrial application of neutrons
      • 15:00
        Comprehensive characterization of materials coupling in-situ Neutron Computed Tomography and Digital Volume Correlation 15m

        The IFMIF-DONES facility will be dedicated to irradiating structural materials intended for the usage in future fusion reactors. However, this unique facility has the potential to support additional complementary experiments beyond its primary purpose, thereby broadening its utility to other research communities where neutrons can be applied. Neutrons are extensively used in neutron radiography and computed tomography across various scientific fields, including life sciences, geology, archaeology, material science, and non-destructive testing of industrial components.
        Neutron Computed Tomography (NCT) is a non-destructive imaging technique that utilizes neutrons to generate detailed 3D images of an object's internal structure. Unlike X-rays, neutrons interact weakly with most metals but strongly with hydrogen and other light elements, making them especially useful for studying materials that contain light elements or are embedded within dense metal matrices. The process begins with neutrons generated from a nuclear reactor or spallation source. The sample is then placed between the neutron source and a detector, where neutrons pass through and interact with the material. These interactions are recorded, and the captured data is reconstructed using CT algorithms to produce a 3D representation of the monitored object bulk structure.
        In-situ testing involves studying materials under realistic operational conditions such as varying temperatures, mechanical loads, or chemical environments. This approach allows researchers to observe the real-time behavior and evolution of materials, providing valuable insights into their performance and failure mechanisms. When combined with NCT, in-situ testing can reveal changes in internal structures and defects under different conditions, offering a deeper understanding of how materials response under subjected loadings.
        Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a computational technique used to analyze 3D images, such as those obtained from NCT. DVC tracks the full-field (i.e., displacement and deformation) of features within the material by comparing grayscale intensity patterns in sequential volumetric images. The process involves acquiring a series of 3D images at different stages of deformation or loading, dividing the images into small subsets/elements, and tracking their kinematics through correlation analysis. The displacement field is then measured, showing how each point (i.e., voxel) within the material has moved. From this data, strain fields can be derived, providing insights into the material bulk strain distribution.
        This combined methodology is particularly valuable in fields such as materials science, where it is used to study the deformation, fracture, and fatigue behavior of advanced materials, including composites and metals. In geosciences, it aids in investigating the internal structures and stress distribution in geological samples under pressure. In biology and medicine, it allows for the examination of the internal structures of biological tissues and medical implants. Additionally, in engineering, this approach is crucial for assessing the performance and failure mechanisms of components and structures under operational conditions.
        NCT, in-situ testing, and DVC together provide a comprehensive toolkit for investigating the bulk behavior of materials in real-time and under realistic conditions. This integrated approach enhances the understanding of material properties, leading to improved material design, performance assessment, and failure prediction in various applications.

        The Croatian Science Foundation HRZZ-UIP-2019-04-5460 (FULLINSPECT) support is gratefully acknowledged.

        Ponente: Prof. Zvonimir Tomičević (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb)
      • 15:15
        Detector development and characterisation for neutron- and gamma-based radiography and spectroscopy for non-destructive testing 15m

        Neutron imaging constitutes a valuable technique for the examination of the internal structures of high density and/or metallic materials [1]. As an emerging non-destructive testing (NDT) technique, it offers several advantages over conventional methods involving X-rays or ultrasounds. A significant part of the development of a neutron scanner for NDT is the design and proper characterisation of the detection system. In this work we present some recent, initial results on gamma- and neutron-based radiography and tomography using a simple and compact imaging system consisting of a scintillating sheet and a CMOS camera. The tests were carried out at a high activity 60Co irradiator at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and at the HiSPANoS neutron beamline [2,3] at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) in Seville, Spain. The samples were mostly metal parts produced by additive manufacturing techniques. Internal and external structures were observed with a spatial resolution of about 1 – 3 mm. Further tests were performed at the CNA using a similar imaging system [4]. In the context of neutron imaging for industrial applications, the future DONES facility will provide unique opportunities for neutron imaging with both thermal and fast neutrons at its R160 irradiation area, which was identified of interest at the 2nd DONES Users Workshop. The high neutron flux and collimation capabilities of this facility will allow high-resolution neutron imaging at shorter exposure times and enable other techniques such as phase contrast imaging [5] or dynamic radiography [6]. In this way, the expertise obtained at the above facilities can be transferred to IFMIF-DONES.
        We also propose the use of a self-built gaseous spectroscopic detector based on electroluminiscence detection for neutron spectroscopy. Bragg-edge transmission techniques provide information on both the material composition and microstructural characteristics of the sample, such as strains or inclusions, by analysing the Bragg edges in the neutron transmission spectrum [7]. The proposed dectector can provide time-resolved particle counting and, in addition to spectroscopic data, the spatial localisation of interactions. One of the most relevant features of the detector is its blindness to gamma radiation, which is typically the most intense source of background noise in charged particle and neutron detection. Such a detector could therefore complement imaging measurements in the context of neutron NDT. In this respect, the unique characteristics of the DONES facility would allow the evaluation of the detector performance at high fluxes of both thermal and fast neutrons.
        [1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Neutron Imaging: A Non-destructive Tool for Materials Testing, IAEA-TECDOC-1604 (2008).
        [2] J. Gómez-Camacho et al., Research facilities and highlights at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA), Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136 271 (2001).
        [3] M.A. Millán-Callado et al., Continuous and pulsed fast neutron beams at the CNA HiSPANoS facility, Rad. Phys. Chem. 217 111464 (2024).
        [4] M.A. Millán-Callado et al., Combining neutron/gamma radiography and tomography at CNA [Conference talk; available online], ND2022 (2022).
        [5] M. Ostergaard et al., Polychromatic neutron phase-contrast imaging of weakily absorbing samples enabled by phase retrieval, J. Appl. Cryst. 56 673-682 (2023).
        [6] C. Gruenzweig, Visualization of a fired two-stroke chain saw engine running at iddle speed by dynamic neutron radiography, SAE Technical Paper 2010-32-0013 (2010).
        [7] K. Iwase et al., Bragg-edge transmission imaging of strain and microstructure using a pulsed neutron source, Nuc. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 605 1-4 (2009).

        Ponente: Dr. Juan Peñas (Neutron Insights S.L.)
      • 15:30
        Neutrons for Industry Applications [on-line] 15m

        Neutrons are extremely valuable particles for academic research and industrial R&D. Highly penetrating and non-destructive neutron methods are sensitive to light elements and magnetic particles. Increasing the use of neutrons in many areas such as characterization and optimization of new materials, energy storage, semiconductor doping, activation analysis, and medical isotope productions, neutron facilities have attracted the attention of industrial users. This study focuses on potential applications, such as diffraction, SANS – small angle scattering, and reflectometry, for IFMIF-DONES. A wide list of possible users has been prepared. Their interest and requirements will be validated after communication.

        Ponente: Sabahattin Akbas
      • 15:45
        Ion irradiation effects in plasma-facing tungsten and its potential alloys 15m

        Tungsten is the prime candidate material to manufacture plasma-facing components for tokamak-type fusion reactors, due to its high melting point (Tm~3420 ◦C), mechanical strength and low sputtering yield. However, tungsten exposure to neutron fluxes from the deuterium (D)-tritium (T) plasma reaction generates additional lattice defects in the structure, such as dislocation loops and networks. As a consequence, there is a gradual shift of the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature in tungsten from 200-300 ◦C after manufacture to ~800 ◦C, and also a simultaneous degradation of the thermal conductivity of the material. The additional lattice defects can also affect the helium (He) intake and diffusivity into the material to form nano-bubbles over time, and also the retention of radio-active T atoms from plasma exposure in the tokamak core. Helium arrives into plasma-facing W via two routes, firstly via exposure to a continuous flux of He ions/gas generated in the D-T plasma, and secondly as a product of neutron-induced transmutation reactions within the bulk material, e.g. via the W(n,α)Hf reaction.
        Refractory metal alloying in solid solution remains a potential route to delay the expected environmental degradation of tungsten-base fusion components in service, while maintaining many of the more desirable properties of the material, such as its high melting point and strength. Despite the high initial radioactivity of elements such as molybdenum (Mo) and tantalum (Ta), they have been explored in the last decade as potential low alloying strategies in tungsten. Ta activity is significantly reduced by the 100-year target for reduced activation materials, and its presence can delay the generation over time of neutron-induced transmutant elements (e.g. Re, Os). Mo offers comparable thermo-mechanical properties and sputtering yield, whereas long-decay activity could be avoided by isotope enrichment.
        In this contribution, I will present an overview of our experimental campaign and results in recent years, in unalloyed W and some of its potential binary alloys using (i) energetic ion beams (i.e. protons, heavy ions) as a surrogate to neutron damage, benchmarked with neutron data from literature where available; (ii) low-energy (eV) He plasmas and higher energy (keV) He ion beams (iii) dual beam irradiations. We will emphasise the mechanisms of structural and surface damage evolution and the potential impact on material’s performance. We will also discuss the limitations/potential of those irradiation approaches to mechanistically understand the material’s behaviour in service environments and to design targeted neutron irradiation campaigns in the future.
        [1] I. Ipatova, R.W. Harrison, P.T. Wady, S.M. Shubeita, D. Terentyev, S.E. Donnelly, E. Jimenez-Melero, Structural defect accumulation in tungsten and tungsten-5wt.% tantalum under incremental proton damage, J. Nucl. Mater. 501 (2018) 329-335.
        [2] I. Ipatova, R.W. Harrison, S.E. Donnelly, M.J.D. Rushton, S.C. Middleburgh, E. Jimenez-Melero, Void evolution in tungsten and tungsten-5wt.% tantalum under in-situ proton irradiation at 800 and 1000 ◦C, J. Nucl. Mater. 526 (2019) 151730.
        [3] I. Ipatova, G. Greaves, S. Pacheco-Gutierrez, S.C. Middleburgh, M.J.D. Rushton, E. Jimenez-Melero, In-situ TEM investigation of nano-scale helium bubble evolution in tantalum-doped tungsten at 800◦C, J. Nucl. Mater. 550 (2021) 152910.
        [4] E. Yildirim, P.M. Mummery, T.W. Morgan c, E. Jimenez-Melero, Delayed surface degradation in W-Ta alloys at 400 °C under high-fluence 40 eV He plasma exposure, Fusion Engin. Design 197 (2023) 114061.
        [5] E. Yildirim, P.M. Mummery, G. Greaves, C.P. Race, E. Jimenez-Melero, In-situ TEM characterization and atomistic simulation of cavity generation and interaction in tungsten at 800 ◦C under dual W2+/He+ irradiation, Nucl. Mater. Ener. 39 (2024) 101672.

        Ponente: Prof. Enrique Jimenez-Melero (School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham)
      • 16:00
        AANL-DONES: Collaboration Possibilities 15m

        The International Fusion Materials-Irradiation Facility Demo Oriented Neutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a powerful neutron irradiation facility designed to study and qualify materials as part of the European roadmap to fusion-generated electricity. Its primary goal is to investigate the properties of materials under intense irradiation within a neutron field similar to that found in the first wall of a fusion reactor. IFMIF-DONES is a critical step toward the construction of the DEMO power plant, which is planned to follow ITER [1].
        In addition to its core mission, IFMIF-DONES has expanded its baseline plant configuration to include facilities for complementary physics experiments independent of materials irradiation [2]. These additional experiments encompass: (1) applications of medical interest, (2) nuclear physics and radioactive ion beam facilities, (3) fundamental physics studies, and (4) industrial applications of neutrons.
        The AANL has the potential to contribute to the (2), (3), and (4) domains mentioned above. This includes developments related to low-pressure MWPC-based fission fragment detectors [3-6], alpha-particle detectors [7, 8], and advanced radio-frequency timing techniques for single electrons and other scientific devices based on this new ultraprecise and ultrafast timing technology [9-11].
        The experimental techniques described in publications [3-8] can be employed at IFMIF-DONES neutron beams for fission studies, low-energy nuclear physics experiments, neutron tomography in materials science and industry, and nuclear forensic analysis. Additionally, the developed ultraprecise and ultrafast RF timing technique [9, 10] can be utilized to create photon and neutron detectors for inertial fusion diagnostic studies and to measure the absolute energy of alpha particles with a precision of about 0.1 keV or better [11]. This proposed approach serves as an alternative to magnetic spectrometry and can help evaluate possible systematic errors. Furthermore, this table-top experimental setup can be used with the high-intensity neutron beams of DONES to conduct alpha spectroscopy of short-lifetime nuclear isotopes.


        1. W. Królas et al., The IFMIF-DONES fusion oriented neutron source: evolution of the design, Nucl. Fusion 61 12500 (2021)
        2. A. Maj et al., White Book on the complementary scientific programme at IFMIF-DONES IFJ PAN Report 2094/PL,(Institute of
          Nuclear Physics PAN) (
        3. K. Assamagan et al., Time-zero FF detector based on the low-pressure MWPCs, Nucl. Instr. & Meth, A 426, Issues 2–3, Pages 405
          419, (1999)
        4. Y. Song et al., Kaon, pion, and proton associated photofission of Bi nuclei, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73 (10), Pages1707-1712,
        5. X. Qiu et al., Direct measurement of the lifetime of mid-heavy hypernuclei, Nuclear Physics, A 973, (2018)
        6. A. Margaryan et al., Low-pressure MWPC system for the detection of alpha-particles and fission fragments, AJP 3(4) 282, (2010)
        7. Robert Ajvazyan, John R. M. Annand, Dimiter L. Balabanski et al., Active Oxygen Target for Studies in Nuclear Astrophysics with
          Laser Compton Backscattered γ-ray Beams, Particles 1(1), Pages 126-137, 2018
        8. A. R. Balabekyan et al., Low-Pressure Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber Based Fission Fragment Sensitive Detection System:
          Application in Nuclear Forensic Analyses, to be published.
        9. A. Margaryan et al., An RF timer of electrons and photons with the potential to reach picosecond precision, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A
          1038, 166926 (2022)
        10. S. Zhamkochyan et al., Advanced picosecond precision Radio Frequency Timer, JINST 19 C02014 (2024)
        11. Ani Aprahamian et al., RF timer-based time-of-flight spectrometer for the measurement of the absolute energy of alpha particles. Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS 2023), abstract #635 (2024)
        Ponente: Dr. Simon Zhamkochyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute))
    • 16:20 16:45
      Coffee break