The are several documents regarding the issue of concrete composition in fusion program. In general, the material specifications for IFMIF/DONES need to be compliant with the materials and compositions considered for DEMO in the PPPT programme. A reference document is Material compositions for PPPT neutronics and activation analyses that guides to Recommended chemical composition of ordinary concrete heavy concrete and heavy borated concrete for nuclear analysis by Barabash. There one can find recommended data for density and chemical composition of ordinary concrete, heavy concrete and heavy borated concrete. The IFMIF-DONES shielding mock-up benchmark experiment aims to optimize, produce samples from local components and characterize the shielding performance of ordinary concrete (OC) and heavy concrete (HC). There has been used the recent development in concrete technology for this purpose. As a result Two types of concrete have been designed and provision samples have been produced. Both are of relatively high compressive strength (fc7 more than 60 MPa and fc28 about 80 MPa) and their density meets or exceeds the target density, what is conservative regarding the radiation shielding efficiency.