2:00 PM
Study of Reliability of general modern electronics in a tokamak neutron environment and link to similar challenges in accelerator applications
(CEA-IRFM (Home Institute), and CERN (Project Associate))
2:15 PM
Radiation effects and test facilities for accelerator electronics at CERN
Matteo Cecchetto
2:30 PM
Design of biological response studies to fast neutrons at the DONES facility
M. Carmen Ruiz Ruiz
(Universidad de Granada)
2:45 PM
Opportunities for radiobiology at DONES
Antonio Miguel Lallena Rojo
(Universidad de Granada)
3:00 PM
Assessment of radioisotopes production in IFMIF-DONES Test Cell
Fernando Mota
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT)
3:15 PM
Challenges and opportunities in Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmacy at DONES.
Laura Fernández Maza
(Servicio Andaluz de Salud. H.U. Punta de Europa)
3:30 PM
Conclusions of the session
Javier Praena
(University of Granada)