A large variety of electronic components and systems is installed in the tunnel and in shielded alcoves along the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator at CERN, which is needed to operate the machine. However, when the LHC is operating, the interaction of the proton beams with elements of the machine, such as the collimators and the collision debris from the experiments, produce electromagnetic and hadronic showers. These sources of radiation affect electronics by inducing Single Event Effects (SEEs) and cumulative damage, such as the Total Ionising Dose (TID).
The talk shows how the radiation levels are measured and simulated for critical areas, focusing on thermal and higher energy neutrons, which are inducing most SEEs. In addition, the impact of neutrons between 0.1 and 10 MeV is presented, showing they can induce more SEEs than higher energetic neutrons, especially with technology scaling. An example of a secondary application from studies performed at CERN is shown regarding neutron measurements in a medical LINAC.
Moreover, an overview of the neutron test facilities employed by CERN to test electronics components and systems is presented, as well as the RADNEXT and HEARTS projects, which aim at enhancing accessibility and autonomy to radiation test facilities for industry and research activities.