1–2 de octubre de 2024
Europe/Zagreb zona horaria

AANL-DONES: Collaboration Possibilities

2 oct 2024, 16:00


Venue: Hotel Academia Zagreb, Ul. Ivana Tkalčića 88, 10000, Zagreb Accommodation: Hotel Academia and Hotel Dubrovnik


Dr. Simon Zhamkochyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute))


The International Fusion Materials-Irradiation Facility Demo Oriented Neutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a powerful neutron irradiation facility designed to study and qualify materials as part of the European roadmap to fusion-generated electricity. Its primary goal is to investigate the properties of materials under intense irradiation within a neutron field similar to that found in the first wall of a fusion reactor. IFMIF-DONES is a critical step toward the construction of the DEMO power plant, which is planned to follow ITER [1].
In addition to its core mission, IFMIF-DONES has expanded its baseline plant configuration to include facilities for complementary physics experiments independent of materials irradiation [2]. These additional experiments encompass: (1) applications of medical interest, (2) nuclear physics and radioactive ion beam facilities, (3) fundamental physics studies, and (4) industrial applications of neutrons.
The AANL has the potential to contribute to the (2), (3), and (4) domains mentioned above. This includes developments related to low-pressure MWPC-based fission fragment detectors [3-6], alpha-particle detectors [7, 8], and advanced radio-frequency timing techniques for single electrons and other scientific devices based on this new ultraprecise and ultrafast timing technology [9-11].
The experimental techniques described in publications [3-8] can be employed at IFMIF-DONES neutron beams for fission studies, low-energy nuclear physics experiments, neutron tomography in materials science and industry, and nuclear forensic analysis. Additionally, the developed ultraprecise and ultrafast RF timing technique [9, 10] can be utilized to create photon and neutron detectors for inertial fusion diagnostic studies and to measure the absolute energy of alpha particles with a precision of about 0.1 keV or better [11]. This proposed approach serves as an alternative to magnetic spectrometry and can help evaluate possible systematic errors. Furthermore, this table-top experimental setup can be used with the high-intensity neutron beams of DONES to conduct alpha spectroscopy of short-lifetime nuclear isotopes.


  1. W. Królas et al., The IFMIF-DONES fusion oriented neutron source: evolution of the design, Nucl. Fusion 61 12500 (2021)
  2. A. Maj et al., White Book on the complementary scientific programme at IFMIF-DONES IFJ PAN Report 2094/PL,(Institute of
    Nuclear Physics PAN) (https://ifj.edu.pl/badania/publikacje/raporty/2016/2094.pdf)
  3. K. Assamagan et al., Time-zero FF detector based on the low-pressure MWPCs, Nucl. Instr. & Meth, A 426, Issues 2–3, Pages 405
    419, (1999)
  4. Y. Song et al., Kaon, pion, and proton associated photofission of Bi nuclei, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73 (10), Pages1707-1712,
  5. X. Qiu et al., Direct measurement of the lifetime of mid-heavy hypernuclei, Nuclear Physics, A 973, (2018)
  6. A. Margaryan et al., Low-pressure MWPC system for the detection of alpha-particles and fission fragments, AJP 3(4) 282, (2010)
  7. Robert Ajvazyan, John R. M. Annand, Dimiter L. Balabanski et al., Active Oxygen Target for Studies in Nuclear Astrophysics with
    Laser Compton Backscattered γ-ray Beams, Particles 1(1), Pages 126-137, 2018
  8. A. R. Balabekyan et al., Low-Pressure Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber Based Fission Fragment Sensitive Detection System:
    Application in Nuclear Forensic Analyses, to be published.
  9. A. Margaryan et al., An RF timer of electrons and photons with the potential to reach picosecond precision, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A
    1038, 166926 (2022)
  10. S. Zhamkochyan et al., Advanced picosecond precision Radio Frequency Timer, JINST 19 C02014 (2024)
  11. Ani Aprahamian et al., RF timer-based time-of-flight spectrometer for the measurement of the absolute energy of alpha particles. Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS 2023), abstract #635 (2024)

Autores primarios

Dr. Amur Margaryan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)) Sr. Garnik Ayvazyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)) Dr. Hamlet Zohrabyan Sra. Hasmik Rostomyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)) Dr. Hayk Elbakyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)) Dr. Sergey Abrahamyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)) Dr. Simon Zhamkochyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)) Dr. Vanik Kakoyan (A. Alikhanyan national science laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute))

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