1–2 de octubre de 2024
Europe/Zagreb zona horaria

EUROfusion activities towards the development and standardisation of Small Specimen Test Techniques

1 oct 2024, 11:55


Venue: Hotel Academia Zagreb, Ul. Ivana Tkalčića 88, 10000, Zagreb Accommodation: Hotel Academia and Hotel Dubrovnik


Dr. Giacomo Aiello (EUROfusion)


Within the EUROfusion Consortium, several initiatives are underway to prepare and support the operation of the Demo-Oriented Neutron Source (DONES). One key initiative is the development and standardization of Small Specimen Test Techniques (SSTT) for sub-size specimen geometries that are not currently covered by existing standards. Building on the activities initiated under the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) "Towards the Standardization of Small Specimen Test Techniques for Fusion Applications," the objective is to identify and propose SSTT methods for assessing tensile, fatigue, creep, and fracture toughness properties. The project involves a comprehensive review of specimen geometries used in previous fusion and fission irradiation programs, followed by theoretical and experimental validation of the minimum allowable sizes for these specimens. The ultimate goal is to establish guidelines and recommendations for incorporating SSTT geometries into international standards. A pilot run, adhering to ASTM guidelines, is underway to standardize SSTT samples for tensile testing. This work aims to provide a robust foundation for the broader adoption of SSTT in the assessment of materials for fusion applications.

Autores primarios

Dr. Dmitry Terentyev (SCK-CEN) Dr. Giacomo Aiello (EUROfusion) Dr. Rafael GALLEGO SEVILLA (ETS Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos Universidad de Granada, Avd. Fuentenueva s/n, Granada, 18071, España [Despacho 5, plt 4ª])


Materiales de la presentación