1–2 de octubre de 2024
Europe/Zagreb zona horaria

Form for Expression of Interest for the Future Users of IFMIF-DONES Facility

1 oct 2024, 15:15


Venue: Hotel Academia Zagreb, Ul. Ivana Tkalčića 88, 10000, Zagreb Accommodation: Hotel Academia and Hotel Dubrovnik


Andreja Gajović (Ruđer Bošković Institute)


The IFMIF-DONES facility in Granada is ESFRI single-site facility. The main objective of the DONES Programme is to develop a database of fusion-like neutron irradiation effects in the materials required for the construction of fusion power reactors, and for benchmarking of radiation response of materials. But in frame of DONES other experimental areas, including complementary experiments’ work programme, relevant for other scientific and technological areas will be developed. Specifically, it consist of following experimental areas: EP1.1 - Test Cell: experimental program on high-priority fusion-related experiments, EP1.2 - Test Cell: experimental program on other fusion related experiments (e.g. tritium breeding), EP1.3 - Test Cell: non-fusion experimental programs to be housed in the TC, EP2 - Collimated neutron beam facility (split into different instruments), EP3.1 - Neutron Time-of-Flight facility, and EP3.2 - Experiments with 40 MeV deuteron beam.
To broaden the user community for exploitation of DONES facility, both in fusion and non-fusion experiments, we suggest the on-line questioner for expression of interests which will be spread between researchers of different scientific fields. The query also include short description of each experimental area listed above that will be offered as info to potential users after they chose their field of interest.
Therefore, after entering their name and institution, the potential user will chose between: fusion experiments, non-fusion experiments or engineering and technology. For users of fusion experiments EP1.1 and EP1.2. will be offered. For non-fusion users, different experiments that include EP 1.3, EP2, EP3.1 and EP 3.2 will be suggested depending on the chosen the field of research. The potential new users can chose their field between: 1. Nuclear and particle physics, 2. Chemistry and material studies, 3. Biology and health applications, 4. Industrial and cultural heritage application of neutrons. The engineering and technology users are predicted to participate in DONES construction and development, but also in the future for component testing. In every drop-down menu is predicted possibility for suggestion of „other“ experiments where short proposal of new experiment could be entered in maximum 500 characters. The questionary finishing with question about background, motivation and previous work of future users, non obligatory question about experimental plan and space for references.
After presenting our form for expression of interest, discussion with DONES user community, correcting and modifying on-line query accordingly, the intention is to spread questionary among scientist in all the countries included in DONES program. The answers collected from the scientists working in different fields will be stored in the database that can be sorted depending of the experimental areas or even new experimental areas could be developed if additional ideas will be proposed.

Autores primarios

Andreja Gajović (Ruđer Bošković Institute) Wojciech Królas (IFJ PAN Kraków) Dr. Kristina Tomić Luketić (Ruđer Bošković Institute) Lovorka Čaja (Ruđer Bošković Institute) Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL, France) Tonci Tadic (Institut Ruđer Bošković)

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