19–20 de octubre de 2023
Parque de las Ciencias, Granada
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Qualification of blanket mock-ups irradiation modules

19 oct 2023, 15:00
Parque de las Ciencias, Granada

Parque de las Ciencias, Granada


Gandolfo Alessandro Spagnuolo (EUROfusion)


In this work, a comprehensive overview of a series of critical experiments and tests vital for the advancement of fusion reactor technologies and their qualification is given. Indeed, the qualification of these technologies is an unquestionable prerequisite for the development of fusion power plant and is essential for the licensing of fusion nuclear systems.

The resolution of the challenges connected to the qualification of the Breeding Blanket technologies requires extensive tests in both non-fusion and fusion facilities. While non-fusion facilities enable the study of some single and separate effects, these data are limited and sometimes not fully representative of the operating conditions of the breeding blanket. Irradiation in fission reactors and IFMIF-DONES are important steps in the material characterisation as well as in the qualification process, focusing however on lifetime neutron radiation effects in a limited volume and time frame.

As a matter of fact, there is a need for testing relevant blanket technologies in an actual DT-plasma based device to fulfil the remaining gaps. These should include the results of the Test Blanket Module programme in ITER – which continue to be crucial confirmation tests despite being conducted at very low fluence, and more extensive and integrated tests in a Volumetric Neutron Source.
Collectively, these comprehensive tests and qualification efforts will be instrumental in advancing the application of fusion technology, paving the way for safer and more efficient fusion reactor designs.

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