We will present the status of the design of the TOF-DONES facility. This will include the (possuble) location of the beam lines, preliminary design of the collimators, dose calculations, shieldings, etc. We will also present the characteristics of the resulting neutron beams: absolute intensity, energy dependency, time (energy) resolution, spatial profile, etc; which can be used to determine...
The availability of suitable and well-qualified computational tools for radiation transport and activation analyses and the incorporated basic nuclear data for fusion technology applications is an essential cornerstone for the development of fusion technology towards the realization of a future viable and environmentally friendly energy source. The nuclear design will be steered by neutronics...
The European Spallation Source (ESS) under construction in Lund, Sweden, is set to become the brightest cold spallation neutron source in the world. Neutrons are produced by a 2 GeV proton beam hitting a tungsten target and moderated in cold and thermal moderators.
The scope of the ESS is to build and operate 22 world-leading instruments out of which 15 will be part of initial operations...