Neutron energy spectra collimated by the Neutron Beam Tube and Shutter (NBT&S) at the entrance to the Complementary Experiments Room (CER) R160 are presented in this work, with particular investigation of the impact caused to neutron spectra by the materials of the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) and Other Irradiation Modules (OIMs). At KIT we develop two OIMs: BLUME (BLanket fUnctional Materials...
Thermal neutrons are a powerful tool for basic and applied science. Their main applications are radioisotope production, neutron imaging, metrology or activation analysis; but they can also be used to induce nuclear reactions allowing for research on nuclear structure, among others. At IFMIF-DONES the neutrons will be produced with a fast spectrum, but this can be duly moderated to provide...
Structure of light atomic nuclei is a object of renewed interest - part of it stems from the recent advent of ab initio calculations, but part is also due to the exotic configurations found at high excitation energies and/or in neutron-rich nuclei. Halo states, nuclear molecules and other exotic clustering are just some of the examples of such unusual quantum structures found and studied in...