This neutronics computational work aims to provide neutronics arguments underpinning the effective use of neutrons generated in DONES. Neutrons are produced by the deuterium-lithium (d-Li) nuclear reactions caused by the bombardment of accelerated up to 40 MeV deuterons on the liquid lithium target inside the DONES Test Cell (TC). The resulting neutrons have a wide energy spectrum up to 55 MeV...
The primary objective of the IFMIF-DONES Project is the testing and validation of fusion materials. The requirements from critical fusion experiments, such as the High Flux Test Modules (HFTM) for structural materials in fusion reactors, have driven the facility's overall design. The HFTM is crucial for qualifying structural materials for the future DEMO nuclear fusion reactor.
Given the...
Kyoto Fusioneering (KF) is advancing the field of fusion materials through internal research and major demonstration projects. With the establishment of integrated testing facilities, UNITY-1 and UNITY-2, KF is developing fusion power thermal and fuel cycle systems. These facilities simulate and evaluate material performance under conditions relevant to a fusion power plant in terms of...