In radiotherapy, one of the basic pillars against cancer, the aim is to max- imize the damage to tumor cells while sparing the normal tissues surrounding the tumor as much as possible from irradiation. A great effort has been made in this direction, with the development of increasingly precise clinical devices producing the radiation beams and irradiating the patients. Nowadays, main...
An important part of medical applications of ionizing radiation are included in Nuclear Medicine. This is based on the use of radioisotopes as radiation sources and allows the both medical diagnosis and treatment of the major diseases with the greatest social impact, such as cancer, cardiovascular problem and brain diseases [1]. The two main challenges for the improvement and development of...
The International Fusion Irradiation Facility-DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) will be an experimental facility providing a high-energy and high-intensity neutron spectrum. Its primary purpose is to test materials under nuclear fusion irradiation conditions to qualify them for the future DEMO nuclear fusion power plant. Material specimens will be housed inside the High Flux Test...