The design for the early stage of JA DEMO divertor will be similar to the ITER divertor design, which means that mono-block type W will be used as plasma facing material with high conductivity Cu alloys being used as heatsink material. There have been several neutron irradiation tests on-going using available fission test reactors but, since transmutation effect like Re and Os productions in W...
Tungsten and Cu alloys are candidate armour materials for plasma-facing components, like the first wall and divertor, of ITER and future experimental nucler fusion power plant DEMO. Tungsten is selected for its high fusion temperature, for its unique resistance to ion and charge-exchange particle erosion and CuCrZr alloys for its high thermal conductivity together with good mechanical...
Small specimen test techniques (SSTTs) are commonly applied to material testing after neutron irradiation tests from the viewpoint of radiation protection and radioactive waste reduction, and without exception will be utilized to testing after 14 MeV fusion neutron irradiation due to very limited volume available in irradiation. This study will overview the types and characteristics of SSTT...
Within the EUROfusion Consortium, several initiatives are underway to prepare and support the operation of the Demo-Oriented Neutron Source (DONES). One key initiative is the development and standardization of Small Specimen Test Techniques (SSTT) for sub-size specimen geometries that are not currently covered by existing standards. Building on the activities initiated under the IAEA...
IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility and DEMO-Oriented Neutron Source) comprises a deuteron accelerator, a liquid lithium target, and a test cell containing the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) used to irradiate material specimens. Small-scale specimens of various structural materials, including reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steels, are housed within the HFTM....