1–2 de octubre de 2024
Europe/Zagreb zona horaria

DPA Estimation in IFMIF-DONES Irrasdiated Samples via Material Activation Analysis

1 oct 2024, 12:15


Venue: Hotel Academia Zagreb, Ul. Ivana Tkalčića 88, 10000, Zagreb Accommodation: Hotel Academia and Hotel Dubrovnik


Dr. Yuefeng Qiu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility and DEMO-Oriented Neutron Source) comprises a deuteron accelerator, a liquid lithium target, and a test cell containing the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) used to irradiate material specimens. Small-scale specimens of various structural materials, including reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steels, are housed within the HFTM. While IFMIF-DONES delivers high radiation doses to material samples within the HFTM, accurately assessing the damage received by each specimen remains challenging. Online detectors like Self-Power Neutron Detectors (SPNDs) have limitations in long-term reliability and spatial-energy resolution. However, offline activation foils, while providing accurate measurements for cumulative neutron fluence, occupy valuable irradiation space if sample-by-sample doses are needed.
This work aims to develop a method for estimating the damage dose received by a sample by correlating DPA (Displacements Per Atom) with activation inventories. Activation analysis of EUROFER reveals that decay gamma emissions from Mn-54, primarily produced from Fe, dominate in the time range of days to years. Since Mn-54 is produced from threshold reactions with high-energy neutrons, characterization of the damage doses by the gamma intensity of irradiated samples is therefore feasible. The uncertainties of this approach due to the chemical compositions and neutron spectra in different locations of the HFTM will be studied for their impact on the prediction.

Autor primario

Dr. Yuefeng Qiu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


Axel Klix (Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology) Frederik Arbeiter (KIT) Irene Álvarez Castro (University of Granada)

Materiales de la presentación