Nuclear-grade graphite plays the role of neutron moderator, reflector and structural in High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs) and two Generation IV reactor designs including Very High Temperature Reactors (VHTRs) and Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs). They also serve as production targets in large proton beamlines at Fermilab ((LBNF), Rutherford Accelerator Laboratory (ISIS and Muon Source), CERN (beam dump) and Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (T2K). There is an increasing demand of gaining better understanding of the evolution of nuclear graphite’s thermal and mechanical properties with irradiation to underpin the selection and design of target system for next generation MW-class accelerators. This talk will describe the challenges of nuclear graphite materials in the context of High Energy Physics and will present a range of experimental results including quantification of the microstructure, irradiation damage and the relevant thermal and mechanical properties using advanced experimental techniques. The data will be compared with those medium-grained graphite used in current nuclear fission reactors.
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