Radiation damage in beam window materials limits the use of high-power proton beams in high-energy physics research. Currently, the alloy Ti-6Al-4V is used, but Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al has been proposed as an alternative. We compared radiation damage in the α and β-phases of these alloys through primary knock-on atom (PKA) cascade simulations in the 10-40 keV energy range using molecular dynamics (MD). At PKA energies of 30 and 40 keV, Ti-6Al-4V's β-phase produces nearly twice as many Frenkel pairs as Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al's β-phase. The α-phase of both alloys outperforms their β-phases in terms of damage and surviving defects. The average displacement threshold energy (Ed) is 66 eV in the α-phase for both alloys, 55 eV in the β-phase of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al, and 46 eV in the β-phase of Ti-6Al-4V. Although both alloys show similar numbers of surviving defects, their vacancy and interstitial clustering mechanisms differ, affecting radiation hardening and ductility. Our simulations suggest that Ti-6Al-4V forms larger vacancy and interstitial clusters, making it a promising candidate for beam window materials with higher radiation tolerance.
abstract | Talk |