16–18 de septiembre de 2024
Europe/Madrid zona horaria

Study of Thermal Requirements in the HFTM using Finite Element and Monte Carlo Simulations.

18 sept 2024, 9:25



José Miguel Palomino Cobo (UGR)


The International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility - DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a neutron irradiation facility designed to provide critical material irradiation data for the construction of DEMOnstration fusion power plants. The present work focuses on examining the thermal requirements of the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) from a reliability analysis perspective. To achieve this, a numerical tool, which combines Finite Element discretizations and Monte Carlo techniques, has been formulated and coded. This tool allows us to calculate the probability of failure of the thermal requirements, taking into account uncertainties in nuclear heating and the quantification of complex thermal properties.

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