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Welcome to the 21st International Workshop on the Ceramic Breeder Blanket Interactions (CBBI-21), the biannual event that brings together the community of ceramic breeder scientists and technologists. It is the forum for the researchers, engineers and technologists, involved in the development of the fusion breeding-blanket solid concept, to exchange the latest progress in the design, behaviour, testing and modelling of materials and components based on lithium-ceramics.
Organized under the auspices of the IEA Implementing Agreement on the Nuclear Technology of Fusion Reactors, and in conjunction with the International Conference on Fusion Materials (ICFRM-21), the CBBI-21 will be held from 19th to 20th October 2023 (two days), in the beautiful and historical city of Granada, Spain.
Your oral presentations and topical discussions will be essential contributions to improve the ceramic breeder blanket, as the system for tritium fuel production and energy extraction in a fusion energy reactor.
Closer to the end of ITER, the CBBI-21 should be the stage to show updates of TBMs development in those countries involved, and a debate forum for its exploitation towards DEMO-like fusion power plants.
The proximity of IFMIF-DONES, as a large materials’ testing facility, will allow our community to know first-hand how to be prepared for validating models and testing the behaviour of ceramic breeders with fusion neutrons.
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